condiments & dressings
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Here you can browse our selection of organic and raw Condiments and Dressings.

Yacon Syrup, 11.5oz, Herbs America
$ 34.00
Exceptionally sweet with a low glycemic index Grown in the Andes for generations by the Inca and their descendants, Yacon is related to sunflowers with large, succulent tuber roots that have a juicy, watermelon flavor. From this we produce an exceptionally sweet syrup which can be used like honey or maple syrup.  Exceptionally sweet with a low glycemic index, and rich in Fructooligosaccharides (FOS). Suggested use: Use one spoonful of Yacon Syrup any way you would normally use honey, maple syrup or molasses. Yacon imparts a fruity, honey-like flavor to most foods or baked goods. Use in place of honey for cooking, as a topping over yogurt, cereal or to sweeten juices and smoothies. Please keep refrigerated after opening.