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Healthy fats and oils are essential to our health for many reasons. We have put together a unique selection of organic oils for you to try.

Olive Oil, High Polyphenol, Ice Pressed, Rallis
$ 38.00
Ice Pressed olive oil has been pressed in the complete absence of heat. A dramatic 20-30 times colder than the cold-pressed olive oil; a critical distinction in terms of maintaining the oils’ nutritive and healing potential and to staking claim as one of the world’s only RAW producers of olive oil. Taste the distinct refreshing taste! Climate, geography and altitude are instrumental to grow times and quality of olives. Our village, Soulinari is only a few miles from the founding epicenter of the Koroneiki olive variety; far enough inland not to be affected by the Mediterranean salt air and rests at an altitude 300m above sea level producing incomparable Koroneiki olives. Quality CAN NOT be mass produced! The wilder and untouched the topography the harder it is to farm but greater the reward. Olive trees require a heavy aggregate loam for optimum organoleptic flavour and medicinal value. The Southern Peloponnese...