live live & organic
+ Description
hyssop of spain essential oil, hyssopus decumbens, 5ml, live live & organic
A spicy, fresh, sweet, aroma with herbal, camphor-like notes
$ 24.00
$ 24.00
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This particular variety of Hyssop oil is very unique and rare to find.
Hyssop oil has a spicy, fresh, sweet, aroma with herbal, camphor-like notes making in a popular ingredient in European cold and cough products.
This little gem of an oil has strong immune boosting properties, helps relieve lung congestion and improves breathing. Has strong Anti-microbial, anti-viral and anti-fungal effects.
Terpene profile:
Isopinocamphone - Relieves sore muscles and cramps
Pinocamphone - Strong anti-fungal